
people charged with sex crimes معنى

  • أشخاص أتهموا بتهمة الجرائم الجنسية
  • people    n. جماعة من الناس, ...
  • charged    adj. مكلف; n. عبء, ...
  • charged with    adj. قذف
  • with    prep. مع, لدى, و, ...
  • sex    adj. جنسي; n. جنس, ...
  • sex crimes    جرائم جنسية
  • crimes    آثام; أجرام; اثام; ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. people charged with kidnapping معنى
  2. people charged with manslaughter معنى
  3. people charged with murder معنى
  4. people charged with racketeering معنى
  5. people charged with robbery معنى
  6. people charged with sex trafficking معنى
  7. people charged with terrorism معنى
  8. people condemned by nazi courts معنى
  9. people convicted by international courts and tribunals معنى
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